Friday, March 6, 2020

Fabulous February Library Crafts

Welcome to the month of February!  Would you like a box of chocolates for Valentine's Day? Is the groundhog surfacing from the ground?  Will it see its' shadow?  Is anyone going to catch the love bug on Valentine's Day?  Which animal is the focus of the Chinese New Year?  Anyone watching the Olympics? February is a great month to learn about these days and celebrations!

Happy Chinese New Year!  Year of the Rat!

Paper Cone Rats!

Supplies:  Construction paper, scissors, crayons/markers, glue/tape and anything else of your preference.  


1.  Cut out a circle from construction paper and fold it into a cone shape.  This will be the body of the paper rat. The tip will be the nose and mouth. 

2.  Cut out 2 ear shapes and attach onto the body of the rat about half an inch to an inch away from the tip.  

3.  Draw in eyes and color in the tip for the nose.  

4.  Cut out 2 small strips of paper and position them onto the nose in a criss-cross position.  Now the rat has whiskers.  

5.  Cut out a thin strip of paper and curl it up at one end.  Attach the end that is not curled up onto the back of the rat so that the rat has a tail that curls up at the end.  

Enjoy the paper rats below created by the children at the library!

Valentine's Day is this month!  Time for a bear hug!

Paper Bear Hugging a 3D Heart!

Supplies:  Card stock, construction paper, crayons/markers, glue/tape and glitter glue or glitter.  


1.  Cut out a teddy bear shape from card stock of any bright color you like.  

2.  Draw a face on the bear using crayons or markers.  

3.  If you wish, cut out 2 small circles from card stock or paper of another color and attach each circle onto each foot of the bear.  

4.  Cut out 3 hearts from construction paper that is a different color than the bear.  Attach each heart together by each side so that you have a 3D heart.  

5.  Attach the 3D heart onto the front center of the bear and wrap the bear's arms around the heart to simulate a bear hug!  

6.  If you wish, adorn the bear with glitter.  

Enjoy the bear hugs below designed by the children at the library!

I feel the love in the air and all around!  Llama Love!

Supplies:  Two clothes pins, card stock, fabric, cotton, glue/tape, crayons/markers, scissors and a heart sticker.  


1. Cut out a llama shape from card stock and color in a face on the llama.  

2.  To make the llama soft and fluffy, adorn the llama with pieces of cotton around the face and body. Leave an empty space in the middle for the heart sticker. 

3.  Attach a heart shaped sticker or a paper heart shape in the middle of the llama's body below the neck.  

4.  Cut out a strip of fabric and wrap the fabric around the neck to make it seem as if the llama is wearing a scarf.  

5.  Place 2 clothes pins onto the bottom of the llama so that you can stand up the llama.  

Enjoy the paper llamas of love below created by the children at the library!

It's the end of the month and early next month is Dr. Seuss's birthday!  Perhaps we can bake a cake for him!

Paper Cakes!

Supplies:  Card stock, glue/tape, crayons/markers, scissors, stickers and glitter.  


1.  Lay down a white sheet of card stock on a flat surface in a vertical direction.  

2.  Cut out 3 thick strips of card stock in bright colors.  Attach each one onto the white card stock so that the strips resemble tiers of a cake.  Fold in the ends of each layer or tier inward when attaching onto the white card stock so that each strip is curved and sticking out to simulate a 3D effect.  

3.  Color in the layers of the cake.  Cut out a strip of paper and attach a paper flame out of orange or yellow paper onto the top and now you have a paper candle that you can attach onto the cake.  

4. Adorn the cake with stickers, glitter or anything else of your preference.  

Enjoy the paper cakes below created by the children at the library!

Happy Chinese New Year!  Year of the Pig!

Pig Tube Puppets!

Supplies:  One cardboard tube, pink paper, decorative paper with a pattern, google eyes, crayons/markers, glue/tape, scissors and anything else you wish to use to adorn the pig.  


1.  Wrap a cardboard tube in pink paper.  Using scissors, cut out 2 small arches on the bottom of the pink tube.  One arch should be in the front and one in the back.  The arches should make it seem as if the pig has legs/hooves.  

2.  Cut out 2 small triangles from pink paper and attach them onto the top front center of the tube.  These will be the ears.  Attach google eyes below the ears.  

3.  Cut out a small oval or semi-circle and attach below the eyes. This will be the nose/snout.  Either draw 2 small circles or attach 2 small circle stickers onto the snout for the nostrils. 

4.  Draw a mouth below the snout.  

5.  Cut out a long, thick strip of paper with a pattern on it and wrap it around the pig below the face.  If you don't have patterned paper, then use plain paper and draw a pattern if you wish.  Now the pig has an outfit on.  

Enjoy the pig tube puppets below decorated by the children at the library!  

Valentine's Day is around the corner!  Love is in the air!

3D Paper Heart Hot Air Balloon!

Supplies:  One sheet of card stock or construction paper of a bright color for the background, small pieces of white fabric or cotton balls, smaller pieces of paper, fake green grass, three heart shapes all of the same size, crayons/markers, glue/tape and stickers.  


1.  Cut out a small piece of paper in the shape of a sun and attach it at the top corner of the sheet of card stock/paper (background).  If the sun isn't yellow, color it in yellow.  

2.  Cut out small pieces of white fabric into the shape of clouds and attach onto the top part of the background.  If you don't have white fabric, then use white paper or cotton balls.  

3.  Cut out 3 identical heart shapes of the same color and fold them in half.  Attach them together, each by one half attached to the other to make it 3D.  Attach the 3D hearts onto the top center of the background among the clouds.  

4.  Attach 2 small strips of paper below the 3D heart, one on each side.  These will be the hot air balloon strings/holders. 

5.  Attach a piece of paper in the shape of a square or basket below the heart and strips.  This will be the basket of the balloon.  If you wish, draw a smiley face with hair to make it seem as if there is a person in the balloon basket. 

6.  Attach fake grass or small strips of green paper onto the bottom of the background.  Adorn the hot air balloon with stickers and write a Valentine's Day message onto the balloon basket if you wish.  

Enjoy the 3D heart hot air balloons below created by the children at the library! 

I am the walrus!

Supplies:  One letter sized sheet of card stock in a bright color, white paper, construction paper of any color of your choice that is different than the card stock sheet, 2 wooden sticks, yarn, glue/tape, crayons/markers, scissors, google eyes and one thin strip of paper.  


1.  Cut out a sheet of white paper in half and attach onto the bottom half of the card stock.  The card stock sheet is the background and the white paper is the snow.  

2.  Cut out 1 large circle, 1 smaller circle and 3 half or semi circles all from construction paper of a different color than the card stock.  

3.  Attach the bigger paper circle onto the snow and attach the smaller circle on top of it.  These will be the head and the body of the walrus.  

4.  Attach 2 half circles onto the bottom of  the bigger circle, one on each side and these will be the flippers of the walrus.  

5.  Fold in the edges of the third half circle and attach onto the bottom of the smaller circle.  This will be the snout of the walrus.  

6.  Draw a face and design on the walrus and attach google eyes onto the head. Attach yarn on the snout for the whiskers.  

7.  Attach 2 wooden sticks under the bottom of the snout and these will be the tusks for the walrus.  

8.  Fold a thin strip of paper into a loop and attach onto the top back of the walrus background and now you can hold the walrus by the loop and hang it somewhere if you wish.  

Enjoy the walruses below created by the children at the library!

Watching walruses makes me feel cold.  I need to wear my llama fir coat to warm up!

Llama Charm!

Supplies:  Card stock, small pom poms, string, hole puncher, glue/tape, crayons/markers and scissors.


1.  Cut out a llama shape from card stock.  Cut out 2 V shapes for the legs.  Attach the legs to the llama.

2.  Cut out a semi circle from paper or card stock of  another color and fold it.  Attach it onto the top back of the llama.  Now the llama has a saddle.

3.  Draw designs on the llama and saddle.  Adorn the llama with pom poms and stickers.

4.  Punch a hole onto the top center back of the llama and place a string through the hole and tie both ends together.  Now you can hold your llama by the string like a charm.

Enjoy the llama charms below created by the children at the library!

The Winter Olympic Games are on TV.  The figure skating and skiing competitions are fun to watch!

Winter Olympics Panel


Supplies:  White card stock, scissors, glue/tape, cut outs of winter sports and crayons/markers. 


1.  Cut out a letter-sized piece of card stock in half horizontally. 

2. Discard one half and the half that you're using, fold into 3 sections.  

3.  Unfold the card stock and stand it up.  If you wish, cut along the top edge so that the top edge has curves to it to represent ski slopes or snow hills. 

4.  Cut out 3 images of winter sports.  They can be cartoons or any image.  

5. Color in the images if they are black and white.  

6.  Attach each image onto a section of a panel.  

7.  If you wish, write in the words (Winter Olympic Games) or print and cut out the words and attach underneath the images onto the bottom of the panel.  

Enjoy the winter sports panels below created by the children at the library!

It's Valentine's Day!  Let's celebrate by creating Unicorn Hearts!

Supplies:  Construction paper, glue/tape, scissors, crayons/markers, and stickers.  


1.  Cut out two medium heart shapes and hold them together upside down.  Attach the bottom pointy part of the hearts together as well as the bottom sides.  

2. Cut out a horse ear shape and attach onto the pointy part of the hearts.  

3.  Cut out strips of paper and attach them along one side of the hearts next to the ear.  This will be the mane of the unicorn.  

4.  Cut out a narrow triangle and place onto the other side of the ear.  This will be the horn of the unicorn.  Color in a design on the horn if you wish.  

5.  Color in a face on the same side as the horn.  Adorn the unicorn heart with stickers and foam shapes and anything else of your preference. 

Enjoy the unicorn hearts below created by the children at the library!

Happy Chinese New Year!  It's the year of the dog!

Hog Dogs!

 Supplies:  One small cardboard tube, brown paper, crayons/markers, glue/tape, red fabric and small strips of yellow paper.


1.  Wrap the cardboard tube in brown paper.  This will be the body of the dog.

2.  Cut out a shape of a dachshund's head from brown paper.  Draw ears, eyes, a nose and a mouth on it.  Attach onto one end of the tube, on the side.

3. Cut out 2 smaller strips of brown paper and attach them onto the bottom of the tube.  Color in paw marks.  Now the dog has paws.

4.  Cut out a tail from brown paper and color it a darker color if you wish.  Attach onto the back of the tube or the opposite end of the tube.

5.  Cut out 2 strips of red fabric and attach each strip of red fabric onto each side of the tube.

6. Cut out 2 squiggly lines of yellow paper and attach each yellow squiggly line onto each red strip of fabric.  Now the dog resembles a hot dog with mustard.

Enjoy the hot dogs below created by the children at the library!

After playing outside in the snow and celebrating the Chinese New Year, it's time to unwind and watch a movie.  After watching the Trolls movie, it's time to make them come to life!  Let's make troll puppets!

Tube Troll Puppets!

Supplies:  One small cardboard tube, construction paper, scissors, crayons/markers and glue/tape.  


1.  Wrap the cardboard tube in construction paper.  

2.  Draw a face on one side of the tube.  

3.  Cut out a nose in the shape of a troll nose and attach onto the center of the face.  

4.  Cut out 2 small round circles and attach to each side of the face for the ears.  

5.  Cut out a rectangle shape from construction paper and cut out fringes along one side.  

6.  Wrap the rectangle around the top of the tube with the fringes sticking up. Now the troll has hair.  

7.  Adorn the troll with a bow or anything else of your preference.  

Enjoy the tube troll puppets below created by the children at the library!

Let's create some trees of hearts!

Supplies Used:  One small cardboard tube, tissue paper, card stock (or regular construction paper), stickers, fake grass, glue/tape and anything else you wish to use.  


1.  Wrap a cardboard tube in tissue paper and stand it up on a flat surface.  

2.  Cut out 2 tree shapes from brown paper and make sure the top of the tree shapes are in the shape of a heart.  

3.  Cut out a bunch of small hearts from construction paper and card stock.  

4.  Attach the hearts onto the brown heart shaped trees.  Make sure the hearts are on the tops of the trees.  

5.  Stick the trees of hearts into the tube and stuff some fake grass behind them into the tube as well.  If you wish, feel free to adorn the trees of hearts with stickers as well. 

Enjoy the trees of hearts below created by the children at the library!

Are there any heart shaped birds in trees of hearts?  I see some heart shaped birds!  Tweet Hearts!

Supplies:  Card stock, one pipe cleaner, 2 small strips of brown paper, 4 small strips of paper in any color, googly eyes, one pipe cleaner, 2 strings, 2 feathers, crayons/markers, scissors and glue/tape. 


1.  Cut out 2 heart shapes from card stock.  These will be the heart shaped bodies of each bird.

2.  Cut out 2 pairs of wings.  Attach 2 wings to each bird. 

3.  Attach 2 strips of paper to the bottom of each bird for the legs. 

4.  Color in a face and design on the birds. 

5.  Attach a feather on top of each bird. 

6.  Attach a string on top of each bird. 

7.  Attach a strip of brown paper under the legs/feet.  This will be the branch that each bird stands on.  

8.  Tie the other ends of the strings around a pipe cleaner and now the birds should hang from the pipe cleaner.  You may also tape the free ends of the strings onto the pipe cleaner if you wish. 

Enjoy the Tweet Hearts below created by the children at the library!

It's nice to be filled with hearts and love and it's nice to celebrate President's Day.  Let's remember the great presidents!

Supplies:  White construction paper, red paper, brown paper, blue paper, black paper, yellow paper, crayons/markers, scissors, glue/tape and small pictures of the faces of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.


1.  Fold a sheet of white construction paper over and cut the folded sheet into the shape of the white house.  The paper white house should open up and close as a card or book.

2.  Using crayons/markers, drawer windows and doors on the front page.  Feel free to drawer flowers, a flag and anything else of your preference.

3.  Cut out a small paper doll outfit of  clothes and a hat that George Washington would wear from blue paper.  Do the same for Abraham Lincoln with black paper.  Attach a picture of George Washington's face onto the blue outfit and place the hat on top of the picture.  Do the same for Lincoln.

4. Open up the white house book and attach the paper doll figures of the presidents onto each section. Drawer hands and feet onto each doll if need be.

5.  Cut out a branch with cherries from brown and red paper and adorn Washington's section with the branch and cherries from the cherry tree tale. Cut out a small hatchet from dark paper and attach to one of George Washington's hands.

6.  Take a small strip of yellow or beige paper and roll it up and then unroll it.  Attach that paper onto one of Lincoln's hands to resemble the "Emancipation Proclamation" speech.

Now the white house with the presidents can be stood up in a vertical position.

Enjoy the paper white houses below created by the children at the library!

Let's go ice skating!  Wow, there are some skating stars on the ice!  Perhaps we can watch them or skate like them!

Ice Skating Stars!

Supplies:  Card stock, scissors, white paper, crayons/markers, glue/tape and glitter foam stickers.  


1.  Cut out 2 star shapes from card stock.  

2.  Take half of a white letter-sized paper and fold it in half. Place the paper on a flat surface so that one side is standing up. 

3.  Cut out 4 small strips of card stock.  

4.  Cut out 4 small pieces of white paper in the shape of ice skates.  

5.  Attach 2 small strips of paper onto the bottom of each star.  Now the stars each have a pair of legs.  

6.  Attach a paper skate onto the bottom of each leg.  Now the stars are on ice skates.  

7.  Draw faces and designs onto the skating stars and attach the stars onto the top part of the folded paper so that the stars look as if they are standing up and skating together.  

8.  On the bottom part of the paper that is flat, draw an oval to represent a skating rink.  

Enjoy the skating stars below created by the children at the library!  

There is still some snow left from last months storm.  Perhaps we can still go sledding! 

Snow Sled!

Supplies Needed:  One small cardboard tube, white paper, light colored card stock, string, crayons/markers, glue/tape, fabric and one hole puncher.


1.  Wrap a small cardboard tube in white paper.  This will be the snowy hill.

2.  Using scissors, cut out a shape of a sled and 2 blades.

3.  Color the sled and blades and then attach the blades to the bottom of the sled.

4. Cut out a paper doll and color a face, hair and winter outfit onto the doll.

5.  Cut out a small strip of fabric (this will be the scarf) and another small piece of fabric into the shape of a hat.

6.  Attach the scarf and hat onto the paper doll.  Attach the doll onto the sled and bend the upper part of the doll in a vertical direction so it looks as if the doll is sitting on the sled.

7.  Punch a hole into the sled and place a small piece of string through the hole. Tie a knot at the ends.

8.  Attach the sled with the blades, doll and string onto the cardboard tube and make sure that the sled is slanted in a downwards direction so it looks as if the doll is sledding down the hill.

Enjoy the paper sleds below created by the children at the library!

Would you like a box of chocolates for Valentine's Day?  

Supplies Used:  Construction paper, scissors, tissue paper, glue/tape, ribbon, crayon/markers and foam stickers.  


1.  Cut out 2 heart shapes from construction paper in any color of your choice.  Attach the hearts together by taping or gluing the tops of the hearts together.  The hearts should now open and close like a vertical card.  

2.  Open the hearts and attach tissue paper onto the bottom heart.  

3.  Cut out small shapes from brown paper and white paper in the shape of chocolates.  They can be squares, circles, domes, etc. 

4.  Attach the chocolate shapes onto the tissue paper.  Draw designs onto the chocolates, such as swirls or fruit shapes.  

5.  Close the hearts and decorate the front of the top heart with foam stickers, ribbons or draw designs with crayons/markers.  

Enjoy the paper heart shaped box of chocolates below created by the children at the library!

It's Groundhog Day!  Let's see if the groundhog rises up from the ground and sees a shadow!  Is the groundhog going to predict the weather?  Let's create a paper groundhog puppet!

Supplies Used:  One letter-sized piece of light colored card stock, fake grass, crayons, markers, glue/tape, one strip of paper bent into a ring shape, scissors and an image of a groundhog.  


1. Using scissors, cut a slit into the middle of the letter-sized piece of card stock.  The slit should be about 3-4 inches long.  

2. Using crayons and markers, color in a background to resemble the outdoors.  You may use fake grass or cotton for snow for the ground.  

3. Color in your image of your groundhog or if you wish, you may print out or scan a colored picture of a groundhog and use that too.  

4.  If you wish, you may cut out a small strip of paper and bend it into a ring.  Attach the ends of the strip of paper together using glue/tape to create a paper ring.  Attach the ring on the back of the groundhog in a horizontal position so that you can easily place your fingers or hand through the ring and hold the groundhog as a puppet. 

5.  Slide the paper groundhog puppet through the slit in an up and down motion to simulate a groundhog moving in and out of the ground.  

Enjoy the groundhog puppets below created by the children at the library!

Happy Valentine's Day!  Did anyone catch the love bug? Perhaps we can create a lift-the-flap love bug and learn about Valentine's Day in the process!  

Lift-the-Flap Love Bugs!

Supplies Used:  Construction Paper, Pipe Cleaner, Crayons/Markers, Scissors and Glue/Tape.


1.  Cut out 2 heart shapes from construction paper.  Attach the 2 hearts together from the top of the hearts so that you have a heart that opens from the bottom.  (Lift-the-Flap heart).

2.  Cut out small circles for the head and face and attach them to the top back of the hearts.

3. Cut out 6 strips of construction paper for the legs and attach the legs around the back of the heart.  Make sure the legs stick out on the sides.  There should be 3 on each side of the heart.

4.  Cut out 2 wings and attach them to the back as well.

5.  Cut out six small hearts and attach each one to the end of each leg.  (Optional)

6.  Cut a piece of pipe cleaner in half and fold one piece into a "V" shape and curl the ends.

7.  Attach the folded "V" pipe cleaner onto the top of the head of the insect for the antennas.

8.  Using crayons/markers and anything else, color and decorate the lift-the-flap love bug in any way you like.  If you wish, write a message or draw a picture on the bottom heart after lifting the top heart up.

Enjoy the lift-the-flap heart love bugs below created by the children at the library!

Happy Chinese New Year!  It's the year of the sheep/ram!  Let's count some sheep!  Let's create some soft sheep to count!

Counting Sheep Craft

Supplies Used:  Construction Paper, Fake Grass, Fabric, Cotton, Stickers, Crayons/Markers, Scissors & Glue/Tape.


1. Cut a sheet of construction paper in half.  Discard the other half.

2.  Fold the piece of construction paper that you are going to use into a zigzag pattern to create a zigzag paper book.

3.  Cut out shapes from fabric to resemble the fleece or wool of sheep.

4.  Cut out heads and legs from black paper.

5.  Using glue or tape, attach each piece of fabric (sheep's wool) onto each section of the folded paper.  There should be about 8 sections for 8 sheep, one sheep per section.

6.  Attach a head and 4 legs onto or around the fabric to create the sheep.

7.  Adorn each section with fake grass under the legs for the ground or cotton for snow and clouds.  You may draw or color in a sun too and use stickers as you wish.

8.  Using a white or light colored crayon, draw a face on each sheep's head and draw a number for each sheep too.  (Preferably numbers 1-8.)

Now you can fold or unfold your book to display the different sheep!

Enjoy the sheep below created by the children at the library!

It's been a long day celebrating the Chinese New Year.  After watching the parade, enjoying dim sum and counting the sheep, it's time to enjoy a treat!  Let's go to the candy store!

Now it's time to enjoy some lollipops from the candy store!

Lovely Lollipops!

Supplies Used:  Two paper plates, scissors, 2 wooden sticks (ice cream sticks), construction paper, crayons/markers, plastic saran wrap and glue/tape.


1. Using scissors, cut out the centers of 2 paper plates.  Discard the cut away edges or recycle them for future use.

2.  Cut out different shapes from construction paper that you want to use to decorate the paper lollipops.  (For ex., heart shapes, circles, swirles, lines, etc.)

3.  Color and decorate each plate center using crayons/markers, paper shapes and anything else of your choice.

4.  Attach a wooden ice cream stick to the bottom of each plate center.  Now each paper lollipop has a stick.

5.  Cover the top part of each paper lollipop with plastic saran wrap to make it seem as if the paper lollipops are wrapped like real lollipops.

6.  Cut out 2 bow shapes out of smaller pieces of construction paper and attach one to each lollipop.  (They should be attached to the bottom of the top of the lollipop to make it seem as if the lollipop is tied with a bow.)  You may also use string or ribbon if you like and tie that around the top of the stick below the head of the lollipop.

Enjoy the colorful paper lollipops below created by the children at the public library!

Happy Chinese New Year! 
Let's Celebrate the Year of the Horse!

Supplies Needed: Construction Paper, Card Stock, Crayons/Markers, Glue/Tape, Scissors, Yarn and Stickers for Further Embellishment.

1. Cut out the outline of a horse from construction paper twice and then glue/tape the horses together along the tops of the horse's bodies.  

2. Decorate the horse using crayons/markers, yarn for the mane and tail, stickers, etc. 

3. If you wish, cut out a small rectangle from construction paper or card stock, fold the paper and place on the horse's back for the saddle.  

4.  Stand up the horse so that the horse is now in a standing position. Neigh!

Enjoy the horses below created by the children at the library!

The King and Queens of Hearts Card!

Supplies Needed: Card Stock, Crayons/Markers, Glue/Tape, Stickers, Yarn and Scissors.

1. Fold a letter sized piece of card stock in half.  Open up the card stock.

2. Cut out 2 circles, 2 triangles and 2 hearts from card stock.  

3. Glue or tape the circle and triangles together to form the head and body of the king and queen of hearts. 

4.  Decorate the king and queen using crayons, markers, stickers and yarn for the hair. 

5. Glue or paste a heart near the queen and king so that it resembles the King and Queen of Hearts.  

6.  Fold up the card again and decorate the outside as you wish.  

Happy Valentines Day and enjoy the King and Queen of Hearts cards pictured below created by the children at the library!

Now that we celebrated the Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day, Let's Celebrate President's Day as well.  Let's build a log cabin in honor of President Abraham Lincoln!

Log Cabin Craft

Supplies and Instructions will follow later.  

Enjoy the log cabins pictured below created by the children at the library!

Because February is Black History Month and there is President's Day, it is a good time to think of and celebrate superheroes and what a superhero is to you!  

Here is a Superhero Doll! Super Silly!

Supplies Needed: One cardboard tube, pieces of fabric, crayons/markers, glue/tape, card stock, fake grass for hair and stickers.  

Enjoy the superheroes below created by the children at the library!

Peace and Love Pole

Supplies Needed:  Paper towel tube, crayons/markers, stickers, lanyard/string/ribbon, a sheet of construction paper and tape.

1.  Wrap a sheet of construction paper around a paper towel tube.  (Tape the ends together to secure the paper in place around the tube)

2. Color and decorate with crayons/markers and stickers of your choice.  (Glitter heart stickers were used on the example above.) 

3.  The decorations should resemble anything that represents peace, love, hearts or anything else that makes someone feel good. 

4.  If you wish, you can tape pieces of lanyard or ribbons or string on different sides of the tube and tie the ends together to make a bow. 

5. Enjoy this craft for Valentine's Day or any other time of the year! 

Peace and Love Poles Designed by the Children at the Library are pictured below!

Next Craft:

Now Let's Visit the Zoo of Hearts!

Supplies NeededCardstock (solid colors and patterned ones too if available), scissors, crayons/markers, glue/tape and stickers if you wish.

1. Fold a letter sized piece of solid colored cardstock in half. 

2.  Cut out smaller pieces of animal patterned and solid colored cardstock in the shape of hearts. 

3.  Glue/Tape the hearts together in the shape of animals of your choosing onto the folded cardstock sheet. (Each section may resemble a different animal exhibit at the zoo).   

4.  If you wish, use crayons/markers to draw limbs and extra features on the animals to make the heart shaped animals resemble the actual animals.

5.  Feel free to use stickers to further enhance your zoo of hearts! 

6. Enjoy this fun craft for Valentine's Day or the summer season. 

Enjoy the zoos of hearts created by the children at the library posted below!


After visiting the "Zoo of Hearts", let's enjoy a nice cupcake!

Cupcake Craft

Supplies Needed:  Cardstock, tin foil, tissue paper, a pom pom, glue/tape and scissors.


1.  Download an outline of a cupcake shape.  (You can draw your own cupcake outline if you wish).

2.  Trace the outline or draw the outline of the cupcake onto a sheet of cardstock.

3. Glue/tape a piece of tin foil onto the bottom of the cupcake to simulate a shiny wrapper effect.  (Make sure that the piece of tin foil is the same shape and size as the stump of the cupcake before gluing/taping it on.)

4. Glue/tape pieces of scrunched up tissue paper onto the top of the cupcake to create a puffy frosting effect. (You may use one color for the tissue paper pieces or several colors depending on your preference).

5. Glue/tape a small pom pom on the top of the cupcake to simulate a cherry or any other decoration for the top of the cupcake.

Enjoy a fresh batch of colorful paper cupcakes created by the children!  The pictures are posted below!

After enjoying a nice, coloring treat, let's create a colorful checkerboard design so that someday you can play checkers if you wish!

Checkerboard Design

Supplies Needed:  A letter sized sheet of card stock or construction paper, pencil, ruler, crayons/markers and stickers.


1. Fold a sheet of card stock or construction paper in half.

2. After folding it, unfold the sheet and lay it flat on a table in a vertical position.

3. Using a pencil, draw vertical and horizontal lines all the way across the sheet.  Use a ruler to make sure that the lines are even and straight.

4. Using crayons or markers, color in the squares that you wish to color in. It is suggested to color in every other square to create a checkboard effect, but that depends on your preference.

5.  Use stickers to decorate.

6. You may use this craft as a real checkboard for a game of checkers if you wish or else it can be used for decoration.

Enjoy the checkboards created below by the children at the library!

The weather outside feels warmer.  It's time to look forward to the month of March!